g.lück is a master at taking the long view. She takes a helicopter view and at the same time goes into a deep dive of trigger points. In doing so, she shows us the social consequences and possible courses of action. This shift is not about integrating the underrepresented target group 'female' into an existing system and existing markets, but about a fundamentally different way of seeing and structuring the world.

g.lück sees its heartfelt mission in the integration of female energy into a previously male-dominated world of action, communication and values. She wants to stop the polarization and instead promote a fusion of forces.

These and many other topics are the focus of her exciting reflections.


Long before gender issues such as "metoo" and racism in advertising and social interaction became mainstream, companies were asking for Gabi Lück's expertise. They range from medium-sized companies to leading global brands from a wide variety of sectors. They call her whenever theywant to reduce the scatter loss of their brand communication and givetheir message a stronger or more targeted emotional charge.

The result is greater effectiveness while at the same time reducing the persuasion effort at the point of sale. Customers of all genders simply make decisions more quickly and remain loyal to brands for longer.

Increasing sales while reducing costs - that will convince even the objective number crunchers. What's more, these companies are much better protected against shitstorms caused by insensitive advertising and the associated costly loss of image.

Or how about a presentation tailored specifically to your company?

g.lück makes it possible!

Gabi Lück über die
des Marketings & Kommunikation